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Classification of dangerous goods


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Classification of dangerous goods

Dangerous goods are substances which pose risk to health, safety, property or the environment during operation and/or transportation. They are divided into classes on the basis of the specific chemical characteristics producing the risk.

Note: Not all countries use precisely the same graphics (label, placard and/or text information) in their national regulations. Some use graphic symbols, but without English wording or with similar wording in their national language. Check the Dangerous Goods Transportation Regulations of the country of interest.

Class 1

Explosives, that intrinsically could explode, cause fire with the explode, as well as devices, that contain explosives and explosive agents, made to generate the pyrotechnical effect;

1.1 Exposive and pyrotecnic substances and products with mass explosion hazard, when the explode instantly sweeps the whole cargo;
1.2 Explosive and pyrotecnic substances and products, not a mass explosion hazard;
1.3 Explosive and pyrotecnic substances and products, with fire hazard and with a minor blast hazard or without it;
1.4 Explosive and pyrotecnic substances and products, with no significant hazard beyond the package in the event of ignition or initiation during transport;
1.5 Very insensitive explosive substances wth a mass explosion hazard , that during transport initiation or transition from ignition to detonation is unlikely;
1.6 Extremely insensitive substances with no mass explosion hazard with a low possibility of accidental initiation.

Class 2

Gases which are compressed or dissolved under pressure and which are satisfyed even one of the following conditions:
- An absolute vapour pressure is greater or equal to 3 kgf/cm3 (300 kPa) at 50°C;
- Critical temperature is less than 50°C;
- Compressed gases, which critical temperature is less than -10°C;
- Liquified gases, which critical temperature is greater or equal -10°C, but less than 70°C;
- Liquified gases, which critical temperature is greater or equal to 70°C;
- Gases, which are dissolved under pressure;
- Gases, which are liquified by the superfusion;
- Aerosols or compressed gases, that are under activity of special regulations.

2.1 Non-flammable gases;
2.2 Non-flmmable toxic gases;
2.3 Highly inflammable gases;
2.4 Highly inflammable toxic gases;
2.5 Labile gases;
2.6 Labile toxic gases.

Class 3

Highly inflammable Liquids. mixture of liquids or liquids containing solids in solution or suspensions, that educe highly inflammable steams and have a flash point less than or equal to 61°C using the closed-cup test method;

3.1 Highly inflammable liquids with a low flash point, liquids that have a flash point less than -18°C using the closed-cup test method or that have a flash point in combination with another dangerous characteristics except high inflammability;
3.2 Highly inflammable liquids with a flash point from -18°C to +23°C, using the closed-cup test method;
3.3 Highly inflammable liquids with a flash point from +23°C to +61°C inclusive, using the closed-cup test method.

Class 4

Highly inflammable substances (except substances, that are classified as explosives), liable to easily cause fire from the outward saurces during transportation, as a result of friction, of the absorbtion of moisture, of spontaneous chemical reactions, as well as when heating;
4.1 Highly inflammable solids, liable to cause fire through a short influence of the outward sources of fire (f.e. spark, flame or friction) and to flame actively;
4.2 Substances liable to spontaneous combustion, that in usuall conditions of transportation are possible to spontaneous heaing and to inflamation;
4.3 Substances, that educe inflammable gases.

Class 5

Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides, that yield oxygen thereby causing or contributing to the combustion or explosion of other materials in appropriate conditions or in mixture with another substances;

5.1 Non-flammable oxidizing substances, that favour to high inflammability of another substances and yield oxygen during combustion, thus increasing the intensity of the flame;
5.2 Organic peroxides, that are flammable in most cases, can react as oxidizing substances and react dangerosly with other substances. Many of them are sensitive to impact and friction.
Class 6
Substances, that are liable to cause death or poisoning or to harm human health if swallowed or inhaled or if they come into contact with human skin or mucous membrane;
6.1 Toxic substances, that are liable to cause poisoning if swallowed or inhaled ( f.e. steam or dust) or if they come into contact with human skin;
6.2 Substances and materials, which consist pathogenic microorganisms, that are dangerous for human and animals.

Class 7

Radioactive substances with a specific activity greater than 70 kJ/kg.

Class 8

Corrosive substances, that are liable to cause destruction of human skin, destruction of mucous membranes of eyes and respiratory tract, corrosion of metalls and destruction of transport units, buildings or cargos and are possible to cause flame when interreacting with organic materials or some chemical substance;

8.1 Acids;
8.2 Alkalis;
8.3 Different corrosive substances.

Class 9

Miscellaneous substances with a rather low danger during transportation, that don’t meet the criteria for inclusion in any of Clasees 1 to 8, but need the application of special transportation and storaging rules;

9.1 Solids, Liquids and Materials, that intrinsically do not meet criteria for inclusion in Class 3 and 4, but are possible to be fire hazardous in certain conditions ( flammable liquids with a flash point from +61°C to +100°C using closed-cup test, as well as fiber and similar materials);
9.2 Substances, that are possible to became corrosive in certain conditions.